I like my coffee way too much to give it up.

But I did, if only for 3 days.

I had to give up coffee when first starting out low carbing to see if I was an addict. Turns out I wasn't addicted (surprised myself on that one), I had no with-drawl symptoms, headache, shakes or a "must have a coffee or I will die mentally", none.

Coffee drinking for me was more of a habit and a liking for the beverage rather than a primitive addiction driven need.

So in short coffee for me turns out to be a want and not a need, but I have modified my intake substantially and also the way its made.
 Before low carb I would drink 3 real Latte's a day (minimum) with 2 teaspoons of sugar in each.

1 in the morning during breakfast to start the day, because you have to have a coffee in the morning to get going, right? Wrong.

1 in the afternoon when the working day is done. (ps: when I'm working I don't stop, no coffee breaks, no lunch breaks unless its eat as you go)

And the last one in the evening after dinner when the kids have gone to bed and we can sit back and relax.

I replaced the morning coffee with a cup of green tea and I actually like it, sure not as much as a coffee, but I don't feel like I'm missing out, so its all good.

If I do have a hot drink in the afternoon it's green tea again.

My one and only coffee for the day is a low carb Latte which is made with cream instead of milk (60ml of cream and the rest water and single shot espresso) and a teaspoon of Xylitol, works for me and is something I look forward to each evening, my daily treat as such and almost never miss it.

6/4/2016 11:31:06 pm

Coffee drinking for me was more of a habit and a liking for the beverage rather than a primitive addiction driven need.


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