Well I have finally pulled my finger out and put into action what I've been procrastinating about for months and that is to set this website up.

4 Months-15kg
I have been Low Carbing now for 4 months and have so far lost 15kg as of the date of this post. My start weight was around 106kg and today I am 90.5kg.

Learn all you can
My journey into the low carb way of life has been one hell of a learning experience and I thought I would create this site to share the information I have gained over this time and add to it as I go along.

20 grams a day...piece of cake
Maybe I should start with describing my daily eating habits. My daily eating habits are pretty simple these days. Stay as low carb as I can comfortably without sacrificing the good things in life. Low Carb to me means low, less than 20grams per day on average, whilst I am getting down to goal, most days I manage this reasonably easily and it still blows me away that I can eat well, almost never be hungry and lose weight.

Beer and Pizza
I have read the Atkins book and I do follow it loosely, by loosely I mean I use the book as an information source only and then I modify it to make it work for me. At 20grams or less per day I am on induction levels, but I do have a low carb treat now and then (once or twice a week, almost always low carb, but higher calorie count for the day) and in 4 months my total real cheat meals consist of a chocolate dessert on my birthday and 4 slices of real pizza and normal beer a week or so back.

I have had no cravings except for one day when I was coming down with a cold and had had a hard weekend of fishing and, and that was it.

When I first started my health kick I was under the misguided idea that exercise was the key to weight loss, but I soon found out and found the evidence to prove it, that exercise combined with a traditional "healthy" diet does little to help in weight loss for most. I did start out doing High intensity weight resistance training for at least 35 mins every 2 days for 6 weeks, complete exhaustion by the end of it and would often result in a crash shortly after which may go to the level of falling asleep soon after.

During that time I lost a grand total of 2kg, saw little asthetic improvement. the only real benefit of such a regime saw me regain strength quite remarkably. Since  starting low carb I do not maintain any form of regular exercise regime at all. I do however have a job that does keep me fairly physically active ( climbing ladders, crawling under houses and in roof spaces etc etc) and do go for a walk now and then, but as I said nothing structured.

The Goal
When I first set a goal, I felt I needed 2, so I could break it up a little, so for my first goal I had my birthday (mid June) as the goal date and the weight target was 90kg, which was the weight I was when I was 20-21. I missed that goal by 3.3kg, close but no cigar. Today at 90.5kg I feel I have now achieved that goal. Goal  No.2 Date is Christmas Eve 2009, goal weight is 85kg and I am well on track to succeed.

Low Carb for me now has become a way of life and can honestly say I could live my life without ever eating another piece of bread should I need too. Low Carbing is more a mental game than a physical one for me, I had it right in my head first, researched it extensively, to qualify and backup or shoot down other peoples ideas and opinions. Prepare and plan as much as you can within reason, but sometimes prepare to not be able to prepare, ie: when in Rome, do as the Romans do, but dont let that be an excuse for doing it too often.

.... to be continued

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